Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ciara's Big Change

Ciara has talked about cutting her hair for quite some time now.  She wanted to cut it short.  But then she would change her mind.  Last night I was cutting Riley's hair and she asked me to cut her hair.  I thought she meant a trim, but she told me she wanted 5 inches trimmed off.  Then she said wanted it cut shoulder length.  She seemed pretty determined.  Trimming the ends of her hair is one thing, cutting of 12 inches of her hair is definitely a job for a trained professional!  (Plus if she hated it, I didn't want her blaming me!!!)  So I told her I would make her an appointment at a salon for the next day after school, and she could think about how much length she wanted to take off.

So today she came home from school and was pretty excited to go to the hair salon.  I asked her what she planned on doing and she said she wanted it cut to shoulder length.  She seemed a little nervous, but excited at the same time.  (I have to admit, I pretty much felt the same!)

Ciara's beautiful mane of long thick hair.  I think the last time she had a significant amount of hair cut was when she was about 5 years old and we cut off 7 inches.

 Since she was cutting off 10 inches of hair, she had enough to donate.  The stylist tied it into a ponytail to make the initial cut and keep the hair all together to send in to Pantene Beautiful Lengths   I have to admit, a little tear came to my eye when she started cutting!!

 The new cut is adorable and I think she looks absolutely gorgeous.

Ciara's new haircut helps her feel great about herself.  And a wig made partially with Ciara's donated hair might help another girl feel a lot better about herself too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look so pretty and grown up. And what a nice thing you did by donating. I am so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself!!
Aunt Cheryl