Wednesday, October 6, 2010

All or nothing

Over the past few years, I have bounced between this blog, and our very own dot com.   The reason I've been back and forth so much is because I'm never happy with how the website looks.  At first I was just content to schlep some pictures up there with a caption beneath it.  My friends and family were amazed!! I mean not everyone had their own website back then, so I practically felt like a web designer or something!  (Even though I was using a template that allowed you to just drop stuff in)

But the templates are pretty limited with how much you can customize them and unfortunately I don't know how to design a website from scratch.  And believe it or not, I often suffer from this "all or nothing" mentality.  If I can't make something into that perfect picture that I envision in my head, the project will either remain unfinished, or sometimes will never even get started!  I'm soo critical of my own work that if I don't deem it to be perfect it I won't put it out there.  

Unfortunately, I've noticed my children sometimes have the same attitude which is something I definitely don't want them to adopt.   I always tell them that as long as they as they give something their best effort, I don't expect anything more.  I guess I need to lead more by example.  

So, long story short, I guess I'm going to blog over here for a while.  And maybe one of these days I'll have some time to learn how to design web sites and I'll make our pretty.

1 comment:

Christian said...

I think whatever you do is awesome, baby. There is nothing wrong with high standards--just don't get stuck in analysis paralysis!