Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yes, I admit it. I am a reality TV junkie.

Much to my husband's disappointment I am a reality TV junkie. As I type this I am watching Tori and Dean on Oxygen. I love this show. Tori Spelling is just so darn cute. Maybe I like her so much cause she was on one of my favorite shows growing up: 90210. I love the fact that she takes her kids everywhere with her. (Yes, I know she has a nanny and tons of help, but she could just as easily leave them behind.) I like her honesty, her openess (is that even a word?) and I love that she shows whatever emotion she is feeling.

I usually like most everything on Bravo TV, however yesterday I actually had to turn the TV off. In a few moments of sheer boredom, I turned on a show called NYC Prep. Apparently the show is supposed to follow these high school age kids who are filthy rich. These kids were terrible! They are driven around town in limos making fun of other kids that they believe don't share their station in life. They go shopping and drop thousands of their parents money without batting an eye. They have casual sex and seem to be proud of it. They appear to be catty and two faced.

I decided that if wealth and privilege raises these kind of children, I'm glad to be raising my kids in a middle class Midwestern family. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.

I know that "reality" shows are usually nowhere near reality. Perhaps they are fun because they help us escape our own reality for a little while. Plus, compared to their crazy insane life's, maybe things around here are normal after all!

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