Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 6 of my confinement!

So little Ella started to be very cranky on Friday. This is definitely not typical behavior for my happy little girl. That night she was pretty congested and woke up several times during the night. Saturday day, she was extremely cranky and took herself to bed for a nap. Our weekend was taking a turn for the worse. Chris worked the entire weekend due to a small crisis at work. We were supposed to join his family at the racetrack for his dad's birthday celebration but I had to stay home. Not only was Ella not well, but I was starting to feel icky too.

Sunday morning came, Chris headed back to work and I moved from the bed to the couch. Thank goodness Riley and Ciara were feeling cooperative that day and were mostly able to fend for themselves. Monday morning came around and I was definitely down for the count. I couldn't stand for more than a few minutes and could barely swallow my own saliva. Ella had cried most of the night. A trip to the doctor was definitely in order for both of us, so Chris stayed home and took us lest I crashed the van in my woozy state.

So turns out Ella has Strepp and an ear infection. I of course had been sleeping with Ella to comfort her - so Strepp for me, ear infection, migraine and mild dehydration. Today is day six of us being stuck in the house. My older two kids really have been troopers, attempting to entertain themselves and help around the house. Ella seems to be fighting her germs off and of course like most children only seems uncomfortable at night. I on the other hand feel like someone beat me up and poured glass down my throat.

So go away Strepp throat, I want to enjoy the few weeks of summer that I have left with the kids!!

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