Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Ella!

Every time one of my children has a birthday I'm shocked a little. How can my first born be 10? My beautiful Ciara is 7?! How can our baby girl possibly be 3?!

Yep three years old today. She hardly acts like a baby either. She can carry on a conversation with an adult. She is soo witty. (Much like her father and brother) She is sweet and kind and fun loving. She always has a hug or a kiss ready for anyone ready to accept one.

She has been sort of oblivious about her birthday. She kept saying "It's sissy's birthday" Probably since Ciara celebrated the last birthday. On friday some cards arrived for her from England. She saw the number three on them and all of a sudden it dawned on her, that it really was her birthday! She started to get pretty excited.

Ella loves animals so we decided to take her to the zoo. It was an amazing summer day here in St Louis and unfortunately it seems like everyone else had decided that visisiting the zoo would be a great idea. After spending approximately an hour stuck in traffic, right in sight of the zoo we decided to leave the zoo for another day and head over to Toys R Us.

Other than some kind of Leap Frog type item, I had no idea what to get her for her birthday, so we just set her loose. She had a great time running through the isles from one toy to another. In the end we picked out a Leapster (handheld video game made for little ones) and a game to go with it. She picked out some new bottles and a carseat for her babies, an umbrella with a monkey print on it (she LOVES monkeys), a pink Magna Doodle and a giant bottle of bubbles. She tore everything out of there boxes the moment we got home.

Today we went to church as usual. After dinner we had cake. Ella had requested a yellow cake. Our house is full of chocolate cake lovers so I was trying to think of a cake that would please Ella yet still be appealing to the rest of the family. I decided on Ice cream cake. I made a simple yellow cake layer, put a layer of strawberry topping, followed by some vanilla ice cream that I dyed yellow. It was very simple but yummy. Ella decided to start eating it while I was finding a cutting utensil. But hey, she's the birthday girl right.

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