Sunday, April 3, 2011

Butterfly Update

As of yesterday, all four caterpillars that made Chrysalides have transformed into beautiful butterflies.  Ella and I actually happened to catch one emerging.  I was soo transfixed, I forgot to grab my camera.

 Here they are feasting on some carnations dipped in sugar water and orange slices.  Grandma Clara thinks the food service is so good they won't want to leave!

Ella preparing their food.  Notice another critter in this picture?  
Eric Carles Very Grouchy Ladybug is helping.

The butterflies are a beautiful orange color.  Ella loves it when they spread their wings.

Meanwhile this guy is still hanging out in the cup.  I guess he hasn't heard that the food is much better over at the other place.  But maybe he likes having his pad all to himself.

This has been a really fun experience for Ella, and I have to admit I am enjoying it a lot too.  It's not only been fun to watch the transformation but educational too.  My four year old can now say the word "proboscis"  We read a book about butterflies before bed last night and she was fascinated that butterflies can use camouflage.  She has informed us that next she would like a ladybug lodge or an ant hill.

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