Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The view through my window

In the past when I was out in the work force, women have commented to me, that they couldn't understand why I would want to be a stay at home mom. "I would go nuts!" I would often hear.
My response always was: "I like my children, I like to spend time with them!"

When I look out my window, I can see the field and playground of the school that two of my children attend. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of them playing at recess or I see them doing PE. My heart always seems to beat a little faster with excitement even though I have seen them that very morning. It may seem strange, but I miss them during the day and I am excited when they return home. They do drive me nuts sometimes, but they also bring so much joy.

Someone once described having children as giving your heart legs and setting it free in the world. When your child is in pain, it couldn't hurt worse if the pain was actually yours. In fact I think it hurts worse. Sometimes when I look out that window, I wonder if they have a playmate on the playground, I wonder what they are thinking about and how they feel. I wonder if I am doing enough to make them independent while still being there for them as much as I can.

I am so grateful for all three of them. I'm grateful for my husband and soul mate who helps share in the burdens but mostly in the joy!

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