Monday, August 17, 2009

Mother's Day comes twice a year!

One of my friends from church sent me a message via facebook wishing me a Happy Mothers Day. She said Mother's Day comes twice a year: The traditional holiday in May and the day that the kids go back to school. Some might even consider it Independence Day.

Back to school is a big deal in our house as I'm sure it is for many of you with kids. A couple of weeks beforehand there is the dreaded school supply list. Teachers can be very specific in what they want. For instance, Riley's list had on it "blue highlighters." Nobody sells blue highlighters individually so I bought a box with a rainbow of colors in it and extracted one for him to take to school. Anybody need a pink, orange or green highlighter?

Then there is the debate. Who needs a new backpack, lunch box etc. We decided backpacks from last year were in good shape. Lunchboxes were too, but a certain little girl insisted she needed a new one and decided to buy an "ICarly" one with her own money. Another little girl decided she was not going to be left out and picked out a "Ni Hao Kai Lan" lunchbox.

So the momentous day finally arrived. The kids got up early, got dressed, ate breakfast yada yada yada. As is customary in our family we measured them to see how much they had grown from the previous year and took way more pictures than was necessary. Chris even takes the day off so we can walk them to school. I announce that it is 8:35 and time to leave. The kids grab their backpacks, lunchboxes, boxes of kleenex etc and we head out the door.

We made it about six feet and Ciara turns to us and says "Where are you going?" "We're walking you to school!" we reply. (Duh!) "What for?" (She asks this as if walking her to school was the most ridiculous thing we could possibly do) "It's the first day of school!!" we excitedly reply. "So what, we walked to school all last year by ourselves" she retorts. I guess at the ripe old age of 7, she doesn't need us anymore. (At least to escort her the half a block from our house to her classroom)

Anyway, they both had a great first day with their wonderful teachers, Ms D for Ciara, and Mrs O for Riley. We finished off our day with dinner at Red Robin - Yum!

5th grade and 2nd grade here we come!
( I love how they are standing there together like they actually get along!)

Ciara reluctantly lets us take a picture of her in her classroom

A much more cooperative Riley in his classroom

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